Ministers Network Canada is a organization formed by the joining together of two other organizations:
Open Bible Faith Fellowship (OBFF) and Canadian Fellowship of Churches and Ministers (CFCM).
Both OBFF and CFCM find their roots in historical pentecostalism, with a rich heritage of ministries bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
Both organizations have enjoyed a cordial and friendly relationship over the years. During that time, both OBFF and CFCM had grown to recognize the importance of recognizing the whole Body of Christ, of various streams, as being vital to the reaching of our nation. Although not done collaboratively, these two organizations shifted their priorities away from sectarian thinking and entrenchment to a broader Kingdom-mindedness.
Many friendships existed between members of both groups and we all began to sense that we needed to strengthen the love and honour between the two. In 2014, a joint conference was held where communion was shared and love was strengthened between OBFF and CFCM. This was the beginning of something God was initiating.
In 2019, a conversation began about building a unified national organization that would be more than the sum of its parts. There was a sense that God was wanting to form a new spiritual DNA, with a vision to move forward into a new generation of leaders and ministers.
Ministers Network Canada is the outcome of that process. Our heart is to see the message of Jesus proclaimed and demonstrated through His truth, His power, and our love for one another.